Kyat - Myanmar Exchange Rate Converter

4.5 ( 745 ratings )
Utility Finanza
Sviluppatore Nex Co., Ltd.

Kyat is the most intuitive, lightweight and easy to use Myanmar Exchange Rate converter you have ever seen. Kyat lets you convert any foreign currency into Myanmar Kyat and vice versa; just with a few taps.

• Works on both iPad and iPhone
• Works without having any connection (Required to load data for the first time)
• Lightweight, fast and easy to use.
• Simple graphic and intuitive interface.
• Reliable data source from Central Bank of Myanmar
• Real time conversions in one screen.
• Updates exchange rate even when the application is running in background (iOS7 Background Fetch).

Made with Love by Nex in Sunny Yangon. This app is one of our babies during our Thingyan code n’ hack.